Wednesday, 2 September 2009

How do we get over fear?

It's an interesting topic which I don't know anywhere near enough about but how do we get over fear? In response to my previous post I mentioned how we should be spreading the word of God with the everyone but how do we face people and accept rejection as it seems that it will most likely end that way.

Ok we can say that we should pray into it and yes that may work, we can read about it in the bible and that may work but unless we are 100% completely on fire for God can we overcome this fear?
I can imagine that depending on where we our in relationship with God depends on the impact it will have on others.

I could ramble on, one other thing, if anyone else reads this do they ever doubt that heaven actually exists? maybe there is a God, but how do we know that the life we live currently isnt just going to end when we die, I know we have to have faith and trust in God, but I cant help but feel sometimes like we are believing in something that we are attempting to make real, its only at my low point when i think this but its still a thought...


  1. hi attempting to live the life, you said in this blog,' inless we are 100% on fire for god can we overcome this fear.'

    i recall that verse about how faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain.. god perhaps knows its not easy to be that much on fire constantly, but rather by showing the smallest amount of faith to non christians, perhaps that will reach out to people

    -faith through action, the way u approach people and communicate love,over spoken word

    whats your views on this?

  2. it made me think a little, i cant seem to find a way to approach people, that is without being incredibly pathetic or cheesey...

  3. Hello. I just came across this and thought i'd share a few thoughts. They're some big questions you're asking.

    To spread the word of God is to live it out in our lives, and that means to love people. and i think you do that quite fearlessly.

    Your second point is an interesting one, and one that i've wrestled with a lot. I think there's a reason why we can never know for certain what happens when we die, and that's because otherwise people follow Jesus because of the gift they get at the end of it instead of following him because they love him. There's a day in the christian calender that's often missed out called Holy Saturday, its the day between when Jesus died and when he rose again. For the early christians, his disciples, friends and family, they didn't know that he was going to rise again, and yet they still loved him, they were still prepared to give up everything to follow him. I guess the question we need to ask is are we a christian because we want a place in heaven, or because we know that Jesus is worth giving everything up to follow. Would you still be a follower of Christ if there was no heaven?
